15-19 February
This one-week workshop with the GEP Unit (Andres Perea, Paula Montoya, Izaskun Chinchilla, and Jose Luis Vallejo—Ecosistema Urbano) at the ETSA Madrid will explore democracy in current societies through individual spatial experimentation.
AA-ETSAM workshop
Madrid feb-2010
Architects are failed readers. We are trained to browse on books to extract the
maximum information out of images, charts, tables and legal manuals. The missing text
linking one piece of info to another is replaced by creativity.
But architects also live among books. They are companions and instruments for our
creative work as well as objects of desire for potential knowledge.
This AA-ETSAM one-week workshop in Madrid presents a challenging opportunity for a
collaborative design studio around books --reconsidering contents, contexts and
By infiltration methods, students are expected to develop consistent experimentations
on design procedures manipulating previous existing materials, binding and unbinding,
infiltrating and relocating information.
Chapter one: the aim of the workshop
The raw materials are 13 booklets produced by inter unit 8 students at the AA. These
booklets are dealing with designs for politically involved scenarios. Collaborative group
of students will transform these booklets through a series of particular operations whose
aim is to imprint and feed with information the initial document.
The title of the workshop refers to the paradox of books as self-contained but extensive
systems. From a concise and coherent piece, the book unfolds as a major expression of
collaborative connections. Architects become editors who convert a book into a pod in
which to cultivate information.
As a local tribute to James Joyce’s procedures, the only condition of this transformation
is not deleting anything and increasing the contents (minimum x2) inserting texts,
images, drawings, instructions, prototypes etc…
Measuring unit will be bytes.
Following those constraints the aim of this workshop is to change the nature of the
book augmenting its attributes and transforming them into something different by
modifying some of the following aspects:
Type of book 1
o Physical aspect
o Contents
o Order of the contents (chapters)
o Reading sequence
o Beginning and ending
Note 1
Taxonomy of books (relating themes and containers)
Scientific books
Pop-up books
Illustrated albums
User’s manuals
Graphic novels
Object- books
Music scores
Travel guides
Cooking books
Recorded books
Chapter two: operating manual for transformations
Students will select concepts and architectural evidences in the AA material liable to be
transformed or further developed. Amongst other possible operations we propose (not
to be taken literally):
Apply new patterns to be used over the existing projects
Transform what is extensive into intensive
Propose a reversible version of the scheme
Extract one or several pieces proven as inefficient and insert a replacement
Swift form mundane to extraordinary
Map the budget inside the proposal
Trace maps to link several projects
Increase the graphic material to describe a scheme
Increase the conceptual material of a project with examples.
Change the working context of a programme
Reduce carbon dioxide emissions of whatever contained in the book
Transformation of the object-book
Increase in four degrees the “working temperature” of the book
Merge books together to change the scale of the proposals
Define grammar to be applied to book contents
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