In the last several years, a crisis of capitalist development has redefined our understanding of cities in terms of international policy making, political constituencies and individual and collective political expressions in the urban realm. Inter Unit 8 has been experimenting with possible new scenarios for this political readjustment at a global scale, departing from its most basic expressions in the city. As a result, students have constructed innovative political arguments by experimenting with the relationship between everyday material activities–such as waiting for a bus, dancing, chatting in the streets, or wheeling and dealing in the city squares–and a particular material organization. In these common everyday practices, students have found the materials from which to reconstruct the political experience in the city. Manifested in public and constructed as a physical material expression, these everyday practices acquire a political value — understanding the political as what Hannah Arendt described as action in public — and redefine new models of the interaction between the individual and the collective in the public arena.


Exhibition: Havana The death body of Paradise

Intermediate Unit 8 Exhibition in the Architectural Association
From 3rd to 18th June 2010

Thanks to all students for their work and involvenement in this exhibition.


2nd Year Final Tables

Monday 7th of June
Lecture Hall AA

09:30 Merve Anil
10:00 Stavros Papavassiliou
10:30 Ielyzaveta Rudyk
11:00 Olivia Wright
11:30 Costa Rivetti

Please be on time for you review


Moonday 31st May
3.00 Olivia
3.30 Yong

Thursday 3rd June
1.30 Maud
2.00 Karl
3.00 Stavros
3.30 Merve
4.00 Olivia
4.30 Lyza

5.00 Exhibition Opens

Friday 4th June
12.00 Gary
12.40 Uliana
3.00 Atta
3.40 Max
4.20 Kayvan



ext tutorials will be divided between Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Friday 27th May
2.30 Stavros
3.00 Merve
3.30 Max
4.00 Uliana
4.30 Gary
5.00 Kayvan
5.30 Maud

Saturday 28th May
11.00 Karl
11.30 Lyza
12.00 Atta


TS3 Final Jury

Technical Studies Final Jury will be the next Thursday 27th May from 10am to 2pm in 38 Bedford Square Building , Ground Floor Room G.02. Please be on time.


After Final Jury tutorials

Nest tutorials in Inter Unit 8 Space
Saturday 22nd May
10.00 Karl
11.00 Maud
11.30 Yong
12.00 Uliana
12.30 Atta

10.00 Olivia
10.30 Gary
11.00 Stavros
11.30 Max
12.00 Lyza
12.30 Kayvan
2.00 Merve


3rd Term Final Jury

Inter Unit 8 3rd Term Final Jury will be held in 38 Bedford Square Room G01 (Ground floor front room) in two sessions –10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm. Jury critics will be Edgar Gonzalez (Brisac & Gonzalez Architects), Ludovico Lombardi (Zaha Hadid/Bartlett Urban Design Master Tutor), Nathalie Rozencwaig, Michel Da Costa Goncalves (Inter Unit 5), Marco Poletto (Inter Unit 10), Lucy Bullivant (Communicating Architecture), Evan Greenberg (AA EmTech Master Tutor), Alberto Sabater Alloza (IDOM), Mark Campbell (Inter Unit 1) and Mauricio Puentes (Universidad de Valparaiso).

Thanks to all guest critics, students and staff


Pre-Jury Pin up

Next Monday 17th of May we will have a pre-jury Pin-up in Open Room 3. Please bring your argument, research, drawings, images and models. If you have images in your computer we can project them on the plasma screen.

Morning -2nd year session (Pin-up)
Afternoon- 3rd year session (Round table)

Gary Dupont

Uliana Apatina


Next Week Tutorials

2nd year tutorials on Monday 10th May Inter Unit 8 space

3.00pm Liza
3.30 Merve
4.00 Olivia
4.30 Stavros

Tutorials on Wednesday 12th May Inter Unit 8 space

3.30 Kayvan
4.00 Yong
4.30 Karl
5.30 Olivia
6.00 Liza


TS3 Interim Jury

Technical Studies 3rd year will be next Monday 10th of May from 10.00 am to 2pm in 38 Bedford Square, Groung Floor Room G.02. please be on time, since it is a very important meeting.

Uliana Apatina

Maud Sanciaume

Atta Yousefi


External Technical Tutorials

Next Thursday and Friday we will have an external tutor to help you with your structure solutions. The meeting will be in inter Unit 8 space in the following order.

Thursday 6th May
10.00 Max
10.40 Karl
11.20 Gary
12.00 Uliana

2.00 Atta
2.40 Yong
3.20 Maud
4.00 Kayvan
4.40 Olivia

Friday 7th May
10.30 Stavros
11.00 Merve
11.30 Liza



Next Monday 3rd of May (Bank Holiday) we will have tutorials outside AA in Myhotel , close to AA, in the following order.
10.00 Karl
10.30 Yong
11.00 Liza
11.30 Olivia
12.00 Merve
12.30 Maud
13.00 Atta
13.30 Stavros
14.00 Gary
14.30 Max
Design and research work of Intermediate Unit 8 Architectural Association School of Architecture London UK